Happy 169th Birthday Relief Society!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Camping Anyone?
Tanner's is getting very very excited for hunting season...
I think he's happy to have something other than Law School to think about.
He's been checking his gear...
I walked in the living room to find this.
Wonder where my sweet family went?
Oh, there is the Taya Bug.
{Taya LOVES her daddy}
Good luck Tanner!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Yesterday it was {amazing}
We grilled buffalo burgers on the grill and Taya colored on the cement with chalk.
This morning I looked outside to find this...
I wish spring would come and STAY!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Faux Marble
I found this blog post through another blog I follow...
Isn't this absolutely fabulous... It's paint.
Some day if I have a House and want to redo some counters this is definitely what I'm going to do!
Check out this full post and a Video from Danika here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
It's finally warming up outside! Thank goodness.
Taya and I went to play on the swings for a little while I did some laundry.
I love the SUN!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hooded Bath Towels
My aunt gave Taya a hooded bath towel for her 1st Birthday.
I thought it would be nice for each girl to have their own.
I ran by Ross and grabbed 2 towels and 2 matching hand towels.
My Aunt Kathy embroidered the girl's names and an image on each towel.
These were a cinch to put together.
Materials needed 1 regular sized towel, 1 coordinating hand towel.
Fold the hand towel in half, and sew up 1 edge.
Mark the middle of your large towel.
Align the seam from your hand towel {hood} and the middle of your large towel.
Align the seam from your hand towel {hood} and the middle of your large towel.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Smells Like Pickles
We'll we got home last night around 8pm. The 8 1/2 hour drive really wasn't bad.
{thank goodness for portable DVD players}
When we got home, I was feeling ambitious to bring everything in and unpack all before baths and bed time!
-- Too bad the universe had other plans.
I sent Tanner to go get up some Papa Murphy's.
{the easy dinner}
Taya decided she was hungry NOW.
While attempting to get out yogurt and pickles she dropped the pickles on the floor shattering the jar.
-Change of plans...
I stopped unpacking, put Paige in her high chair with snack and Taya in her seat with the yogurt she successfully got out.
Then I went to clean up duty.
Unfortunately the juice had gotten under the fridge, so my whole kitchen got a very thorough mopping.
Then Tanner was back with Pizza, baths for the girls and bed time.
I was exhausted and nothing else got unpacked!
We went to bed with our house smelling like pickles and pizza.
The good news is were home!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Yesterday after finishing my little display cabinet, I felt tired.
I easily fell asleep on the couch while the girls were playing with toys and watching Bubble Guppies.
I woke up to Paige hitting me in the face with something.
It took me a second to figure out what was going on.
Doesn't she look guilty!
I seriously thought I could piece it back together and good as new... Wrong.
It's totally torn.
I'm not too upset I've had this phone for almost 2 years and I was a used hand-me-down from my cousin Bee.
So if any of you are trying to get a hold of me, I can only be reached through email right now!
I ordered a phone off of eBay and will hopefully have it Saturday!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Stuffy Tuesday
So the sun is Finally shinning, but the snow keeps trying to come down.
My friend Kate's recently posted her baking center, which I love.
I wanted to display all of my pieces, but out of the way.
I had this cupboard filled with appliances that I hardly ever use.
I took off the doors and found some scrap wood I've had laying around.
A few cuts and I attached the 3 smaller pieces to the 2 long planks.
I then "stained" my new shelf.
Now I would love to back it with some vinyl like Kate did, but just don't have the right color right now...
Maybe something blue to play off of my spice cupboard?
Night Stand
I know not the best picture, but check out my night stands...
Simple, board on 2 metal brackets.
I want something different...
I found this cute little stand at the thrift store the other day.
It really reminded me of Restoration Hardware.
{one of my favorite stores}
It was $4 so I took it home. However, It looked way to small next to my gigantic bed.
Yesterday the girls and I went looking around town.
After checking out the thrift stores with no luck we headed to
Moscow Main Street Antique Mall.
Right away I found this awesome metal suitcase.
The colors were perfect and it was $10.
The books were FREE! Yep, the recycling center's book bin.
Now I'm on the look out for one on Tanner's side of the bed.
{P.S. there was a booth at the Antique Mall that Had a bunch of cute Metal File Holders.
There was a really cool large gray truck with drawers}
I wanted them all!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Hello 80's
I found this cute little dress at the local Thrift Store.
The puff sleeves totally reminded me of what I wore when I was Taya's age.
I Thought she looked adorable in this.
Her daddy thought she looked pretty cute, too.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Finding Snow
Today was Beautiful... A nice sunny 55 degrees.
Of course, we did the only crazy thing we could think of...
We went looking for snow.
Up on the mountain we went to the Archery Range.
While Tanner sighted in his bow,
Taya and I built a snowman.
She LOVES him.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Today has been one of those GREAT days.
This morning we headed out to Palouse to treasure hunt with some friends.
This is one of my all time favorite places to find a "good deal." -Open Eye
By the time we got back to Moscow, both girls were fast asleep.
These are our finds. A charcoal vintage clutch for me $1 and 8 keys for Taya, $2.
The girls are napping and I'm snacking on my new favorite treat!
{Haagen-Dazs' Caramel Cone}

Happy Friday
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Paige has found her 1st love...
I have to keep shoes put away at all times or else Paige has them on her hands and in her mouth.
She simply LOVES shoes, all shoes.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Back in October I was complaining to my Mom about the baby weight I was carrying around.
She said she was loving "Loseit.com."

I became a member and have since lost 11.1 pounds!
It's just a nice daily reminder of how many calories you've consumed and if you were active.
It's totally FREE.
If you decide to join make me your "friend".
We'll keep each other on the right path!
Good Luck!
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